Although dry Skin is commonly linked to the winter season, it can also cause irritating and often unsightly symptoms in the summer. The condition is not severe unless it is a symptom of hereditary skin disease and can sometimes make you look ugly. Still, the usual itchiness, cracking, peeling, and flaking that comes with normal-dry Skin can limit your options.
Summer Dry Skin Causes
Frequently, environmental factors cause dry Skin. If you spend a lot of time in a chlorinated swimming pool or reside in a dry climate, you may find that your Skin becomes itchy and dry in the summer. Both dry climates and chlorination can draw moisture from your epidermis. Air conditioning removes moisture from your house or office; without a humidifier to replace it, your Skin can dry out while you're inside.
Summer heat may cause you to sweat while you're outside, but UV rays from the sun can also strip your skin of its natural moisturizing oils. People with naturally oily Skin may fare better in the sun's rays, but if your skin type tends to be dry, the summer sun may do more damage than good.
Controllable Factors
Some of the more controllable factors that add to dry Skin are related to what you do rather than where you go. Spending a long time in a hot tub or shower can be relaxing and refreshing, but it can also dry your Skin. Some soaps can do the same, especially if made to clear up oily Skin.
The general level of dehydration in your body can affect your Skin, and what you eat can affect your hydration. Dehydration is often caused by summer heat, but coffee, soda, and alcohol can also add. It may be better for your body during the summer if you drink more water instead of soft and boozy drinks.
Dry Skin could also be caused by what you wear. Except for wool, which can be irritating, natural materials are better for your health and let your skin breathe. Silk and cotton are good picks that can help prevent dry Skin. Washing your clothes with soaps with dyes or scents could also dry your Skin. Choose laundry products that don't have these extras.
You have much control over your choice of skin care products and their ingredients if you aim to figure out how to deal with dry Skin. Squalane and vitamin C are two skincare ingredients that can help you deal with or avoid dry Skin in the summer.
Squalane - A naturally occurring dry skin fighter
Squalane was first used in makeup in the 1950s. It is made of hydrocarbons and is a 100% saturated oil naturally found in human Skin. It makes up about 13% of our Skin's grease to keep it moist and safe from the outside world. Squalane pure also protects the skin from free radicals, which can damage skin cells through oxidation and kill them. It has no color or smell and looks more like a gel than an oil because it doesn't feel greasy. Putting Squalane on your face won't clog your pores like some other oils will. This is because it isn't heavy or greasy. It also gets into the skin quickly, has antibacterial properties, and can help avoid oily Skin.
The quantity of Squalane produced by the body begins to decline in our 20s, despite its role in maintaining healthy Skin. In addition to preventing facial and body dehydration, replenishing it topically helps maintain the Skin's appearance and texture. According to skin specialists, this antioxidant-rich oil can also help to clear up scars, age spots, and uneven skin tone. According to a study published in the International Journal of Toxicology, Squalane is safe for those with highly delicate Skin, even at a concentration of 100%.

Squalane and Squalene: Similar in Name, but Not in Nature
Even though the name sounds the same, squalene and Squalane are very different. Even though they come from the same place and are both great skin products, Squalane is made in another way that makes it much better for your Skin. As a result of the hydrogenation process, Squalane is a 100% saturated fat that is more stable and has an extended shelf life. Because of its lighter makeup, it can be used on both oily and dry Skin. Squalene, on the other hand, is a much less stable compound that can rapidly become rancid. If you see it mentioned as an ingredient in a skin care product, you should avoid it.
Keeping Skin Young and Healthy by Using 100% Pure Squalane
Dry Skin not only causes itching, flaking, and peeling, but it also appears awful. One of the benefits of applying squalane on the Skin is that it slows down the aging process. When you keep your skin from getting dry, you also stop lines from forming. Using a good skin care product made from natural ingredients, like Timeless Squalane 100% Pure, will protect and moisturize your Skin while reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Two to three drops rubbed into clean Skin with your fingers in the morning and evening will be absorbed quickly and won't leave your skin feeling greasy or oily. Since this product is 100% natural, you don't have to worry about harsh chemicals soaking into your sensitive facial Skin. You'll notice a difference in your skin tone and look as your previously dry Skin becomes well moisturized.
Vitamin C Serum: Promoting Skin's Self-Healing
When your Skin starts to dry and flake, a vitamin C lotion can help speed up the making of new, healthy skin cells. Vitamin C, which is acidic, causes the skin to heal by creating elastin and collagen. Elastin is a protein in body tissues with both elastic and connective properties. It is responsible for the Skin's ability to regain its form and position after being pinched or poked. Collagen is the most important structural protein in the body and a main part of joint tissues. These two essential proteins work together to keep your skin healthy and in excellent condition.
When used as a lotion on the Skin, vitamin C helps get rid of dead, dry skin cells and encourages the growth of new, healthy skin cells. This makes it a powerful way to fix the damage and slow the aging process. But you can't get the benefits of vitamin C for your Skin by eating a few extra oranges a day or taking a vitamin C pill. The full range of vitamin C serum benefits may take some time and multiple topical applications to become apparent. Most dermatologists believe applying a topical vitamin C serum before a moisturizer maximizes its efficacy. Let it dry for about a minute first, as suggested.
Because vitamin C's purest form can be fragile, it can oxidize over time. If a vitamin C serum turns dark, this indicates this is happening. When you buy and use it, it should be an almost clear yellowish color, but if you see it getting darker and changing from yellow to orange to brown, skin care experts suggest stopping and throwing it away. Refrigeration can increase the shelf life of a vitamin C serum, and if it stays odorless and yellow, it should be safe to use. But if it smells rotten or sour, it's gone bad and should be thrown away. We don't suggest vitamin C serums that come in clear bottles. Instead, choose one that comes in a dark or opaque glass bottle. This will keep the goods from being damaged by light and keep them from going bad faster.
Using a high-quality vitamin C serum to help heal dry Skin
A good topical vitamin C serum should be made with natural ingredients, not have any colors or scents, dry quickly on your Skin, and not have parabens, which can mess with your hormones. Timeless Vitamin C serum fulfills those requirements, is a proven match for most skin types, and can be trusted as a cruelty-free product in the United States. It also has ferulic acid, which helps vitamin C last longer and works better. Ferulic acid, in addition to assisting in the battle against harmful free radicals, increases the effectiveness of antioxidants such as vitamin C.
Two to three drops are spread evenly over cleaned Skin in the morning and at night. After applying sunscreen, it should be used before going out in the sun. Vitamin C serums are meant to be used outside the body and should not be eaten. After a few days of applying, it in the morning and at night, you should start to notice a change.
All-natural skin care is easier on sensitive facial Skin and works better
When it comes to how to fix dry Skin on your face, the best option is to stay with all-natural ingredients that won't damage your most sensitive skin areas with harsh chemicals or additives. The most effective method is often the most natural and easy one. The Timeless Skin Care product line is made to be both very effective and gentle on your Skin.